Drug-nutrient depletions

The chart included in this handout primarily includes drug-nutrient depletions for which evidence from systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, or randomized controlled human trials were available, the 21 pharmaceuticals included in this table are among the top-selling medications in the United States.

Drug-nutrient interactions

The chart below primarily includes drug-nutrient interactions for which evidence from systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled human trials was available. See the white paper for a full review of literature on the nutrient interactions associated with common pharmaceuticals.

The Elemental Diet

The following guide provides a summary of the results of clinical trials examining the effects and possible clinical applications of the elemental diet.

Treatment adherence in integrative medicine

Learn more about the process of medication adherence and its management, factors influencing adherence, and top strategies for improving medication adherence.

How to provide behavioral change support

The following handout provides a summary for assessing, empowering, strategies and monitoring behavioral change in your patients.