Course overview

    1. Course outline

    2. Learning objectives

    1. What is the everyday health protocol?

    2. Ingredients to consider - Omega-3

    3. Ingredients to consider - Vitamin D

    4. Ingredients to consider - Magnesium

    5. Ingredients to consider - B-complex

    6. Ingredients to consider - Ashwagandha

    7. A quick note about Ashwagandha

    8. Knowledge check #1

    1. Introduction to case study

    2. Diet and lifestyle resources

    1. Helpful resources

    1. Adding a Fullscript protocol to treatment plans and swapping products

    1. The ingredient library

    2. Searching for products and applying filters

    3. References

About this course

  • Free
  • 15 mins of content
  • Additional resources included

Learning objectives

  • Identify supplement ingredients that support everyday health concerns

  • Understand how supplements may interact with medications, and how some medications may lead to nutrient depletions

  • Learn how to build a protocol in the Fullscript app and how to utilize various search features

Your instructor(s)

Eric Viegas, ND

Dr. Eric is a licensed naturopathic doctor in Ontario, Canada. He's currently a Medical Product Manager for Fullscript’s Medical Advisory team, focusing mainly on supplement quality and practitioner continuing education.