Course overview

    1. Course outline

    2. Learning objectives

    1. Introduction with John White

    2. Study Results - Physical

    3. Knowledge Check #1

    1. Heart Rate Variability and The Coherence Model with John White

    2. Heart Rate Variability (HRV) is...

    3. Heart-Rhythm Patterns

    4. Knowledge Check #2

    1. Heart-Brain Communication and Training with John White

    2. Heart Rhythms and The Brain

    3. Knowledge Check #3

    1. Hypertension Study with Dr. Rollin McCraty

    2. Study Objectives

    3. Study Design

    4. Study Results

    5. Study Results Continued

    6. Correlation Analysis

    7. Study Conclusions

    8. Knowledge Check # 4

    1. Reduced Health Care Costs with Dr. Rollin McCraty

    2. Study Objectives

    3. Study Design

    4. Study Methods

    5. Study Results - Stress and Well-being for HeartMath Group

    6. Study Results - Stress and Well-being – Between Groups

    7. Study Results - Physiological Changes HeartMath Group

    8. Study Results - Medical and Pharmacy Costs

    9. Study Results: Health Care Costs

    10. Study Conclusions

    11. Knowledge Check #5

About this course

  • Free
  • 1 hr content included
  • Additional resources included

Learning objectives

After this course, you will be able to:

  • Learn HeartMath’s background and areas of focus

  • Understand Self-regulation – a critical skill for our time

  • Learn Heart Rate Variability basics and its importance

  • Understand Coherence and its relationship to the ANS

  • Learn how the heart communicates with the brain and its process

  • Understand the purpose of HRV technology – tracking vs. training

  • Identify the impact of self-regulation training with HRV technology in hypertension

  • Review how self-regulation coaching with HRV technology reduced hypertension, anxiety resulting in reduced health care costs

  • Discuss the impact of self-regulation training with HRV technology in chronic pain in veterans

Your instructor(s)

Dr. Rollin McCraty

Rollin McCraty, Ph.D., director of research at the HeartMath Institute, is a professor at Florida Atlantic University. McCraty is a psychophysiologist whose interests include the physiology of emotion. One of his primary areas of focus is the mechanisms by which emotions influence cognitive processes, behavior, health and the global interconnectivity between people and Earth’s energetic systems. He has been with HeartMath Institute since its founding in 1991 by Doc Childre. He has worked closely with Childre to develop HMI’s research goals and has been instrumental in researching and developing the HeartMath System of tools and technology. McCraty and the members of his research team have worked in joint partnership with research groups at Stanford University, Claremont Graduate University, Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Prince Sultan Cardiac Center in Saudi Arabia and the University of Lithuania among many others. He has been interviewed for many feature articles in publications that include Prevention, Natural Health, Men’s Fitness and American Health magazines, and has appeared in television segments for CNN Headline News, ABC World News Tonight, ABC’s Good Morning America, NBC’s Today Show, PBS’s Body & Soul and the Discovery Channel. He has been featured in many documentary films, including I Am, The Truth, The Joy of Sox, The Power of the Heart, Solar Revolution, and The Living Matrix among others. McCraty’s critical research on heart rate variability and heart-rhythm coherence has gained international attention in the scientific community and is helping to change long-held perceptions about the heart’s role in health, behavior, performance and quality of life. He is one of the primary creators of the Global Coherence Initiative and the principal designer of the Global Coherence Monitoring System and its international network of magnetic field sensor sites. Related to this, McCraty heads up HMI and GCI researchers investigating the relationship between human and geomagnetic field environments and the interconnectedness of and communication among all living systems. They also investigate how these fields act as central synchronizing signals within the body, carry emotional information and serve as key mediators of energetic interactions between people and living systems. McCraty is a member of the American Autonomic Society, Pavlovian Society, National Association for Psychological Science, Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback and Society for Scientific Exploration. His studies, research and extensive professional articles have appeared in numerous journals, including the American Journal of Cardiology, Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Stress Medicine and Biological Psychology. He contributes periodically to the Global Advances in Health and Medicine journal.